Saturday, June 10, 2023

Give Us Back Our Rainbow

Today I wish to bring to your attention a heinous wrong that must be righted. It appears that in the grand tapestry of life, the LGBTQ movement has made a sinister usurpation, snatching away an iconic symbol that has, for centuries, belonged exclusively to leprechauns—the illustrious rainbow.

Oh, how the leprechauns must be feeling right now! Their beloved and cherished symbol, the radiant arch of colors that has adorned their pots of gold and shimmered through the misty landscapes of folklore, has been shamelessly snatched from their grasp. It is a travesty of mythical proportions, an outrage that deserves our full condemnation.

For far too long, the leprechauns have been marginalized and relegated to the shadows of fairy tales and folklore. They have dutifully protected their pots of gold, maintained their mischievous ways, and gleefully danced along rainbows when they saw fit. But now, in a brazen act of cultural appropriation, the LGBTQ movement has pilfered this age-old symbol and draped it around themselves, leaving the leprechauns in a state of bewilderment.

It is simply unacceptable! How dare those who identify as LGBTQ utilize the rainbow to represent their diverse community and their struggles for acceptance, equality, and love? Can they not create their own symbol? Must they trample upon the traditions of the leprechauns, a proud and mythical people who have watched over rainbows since time immemorial?

If we allow this affront to go unchallenged, what will be next? Will leprechauns be stripped of their treasured green attire, only to see it paraded around by eco-warriors? Shall their pots of gold be confiscated by bankers, leaving the leprechauns destitute? Will we witness a horde of unicorns prancing about, demanding their rightful place as the symbol of purity and grace?

I implore you, dear readers, to stand with me in this grave injustice. Let us rally behind the leprechauns, who, in their solitary existence, have brought joy and whimsy to our lives. It is time to reclaim the rainbow on their behalf, to restore it to its rightful owners. For without the leprechauns, who will guide us to our dreams? Who will leave a trail of gold at the end of the rainbow?

In conclusion, I beseech the LGBTQ community to find it in their hearts to relinquish their claim to the rainbow. Let them devise their own symbol, one that speaks to their unique experiences and aspirations. Unless LGBTQ stands for Leprechauns, Goblins, Banshees, Trolls and Qilin, their community has no claim on the rainbow!

Saturday, April 1, 2023


I've been hearing and reading a lot lately about a new artificial intelligence (A.I.) algorithm called "ChatGPT".  ChatGPT is a "chat bot"; a computer program with which it is possible to interact using plain English sentences, just as if you were talking to a person.  You can ask it questions and it will try to answer you, partially by drawing upon as much relevant information as it can glean from the internet.  It also has a "machine learning" algorithm, meaning that it can remember information gained and conversations from earlier interactions and use that information to make its responses more relevant.

Some people have sounded the alarm about A.I. getting too clever for its (or our) own good.  Might it spread racist, homophobic or hate propaganda that it finds online?  Can it get so "smart" that it may some day exceed our ability to control it?  Might we become so dependent on A.I. that it ultimately ends up controlling us?  Are we seeing the dawn of a "Judgement Day" as seen in the "Terminator" movies?  These questions aren't just coming from paranoid conspiracy theorists.  Even the late Dr. Stephen Hawking expressed concern about the potential pitfalls of runaway A.I.

The Halmanator has always been curious about technology such as this so, when I learned that there is a ChatGPT portal available to anyone who wants a first-hand sampling of what this technology is all about, I couldn't resist giving it a try.

After registering (which is required), giving the obligatory reassurance that "I am not a robot" (how ironic is that?) and logging in, I started by asking ChatGPT a simple question; the kind that you could as easily ask Google.

The Halmanator:    What was the latest album released by Mike Oldfield?

ChatGPT:    As of my knowledge cutoff date of September 2021, the latest album released by Mike Oldfield was "Return to Ommadawn," which came out in January 2017. However, it's possible that he has released new music since then.

Okay, that was reasonably impressive.  I got a full, detailed answer including not only the name of Oldfield's last album but also when it was released plus an indication of how up-to-date this information is and a qualifier acknowledging that this information may be outdated.  Also, the answer is correct to the best of my knowledge (I have that album).  Next, I decided to throw ChatGPT a bit of a curve ball.

The Halmanator:    How about Chris de Burgh? 

ChatGPT:    As of my knowledge cutoff date of September 2021, the latest album released by Chris de Burgh was "The Legend of Robin Hood," which came out in November 2020. However, it's possible that he has released new music since then.

Now that was impressive; not the answer, so much as the fact that ChatGPT understood the question.  It understood that "How about" meant "I'm repeating my last question, except with regard to Chris de Burgh instead of Mike Oldfield this time."  This may not seem all that impressive to you, but think about it.  To a computer program, the meaning of the phrase "how about" would not necessarily be immediately evident.  I've thus established that I can truly use natural language when speaking with ChatGPT.  Next, I decided to ask it a more open-ended question.

The Halmanator:    Tell me about yourself.

ChatGPT:   Hello! I am ChatGPT, a large language model created by OpenAI. My purpose is to assist you in generating human-like responses to your questions and inquiries. I am based on the GPT-3.5 architecture, which enables me to understand and generate natural language responses in a variety of contexts.

I have been trained on a vast corpus of text data and can provide information on a wide range of topics, from science and technology to history, literature, and more. I am designed to learn from my interactions with users and continuously improve my abilities to provide accurate and helpful responses.

As an AI language model, I do not have personal experiences or feelings, but I am here to assist you and answer any questions you may have to the best of my abilities.

The Halmanator:    What does GPT stand for? 

ChatGPT:   GPT stands for "Generative Pre-trained Transformer." It is a type of neural network architecture developed by OpenAI that has been widely used for natural language processing tasks such as language translation, text generation, and text classification.

The "pre-trained" part of the name refers to the fact that the model is trained on large amounts of text data before being fine-tuned for specific tasks. This pre-training process enables the model to learn the underlying patterns and structures of language, which allows it to generate more coherent and contextually appropriate responses to user input.

The "transformer" part of the name refers to the specific type of neural network architecture used in GPT models. Transformers are particularly well-suited for processing sequences of text data, as they can model long-range dependencies and capture relationships between words and phrases more effectively than traditional recurrent neural networks.

Okay, so now I have a better idea of what I'm dealing with.  Maybe it's only fair to offer ChatGPT the same courtesy.

The Halmanator:    Is there anything that you would like to know about me? 

ChatGPT:    As an AI language model, I don't have personal preferences or desires. However, if there's any specific information that you would like to share, I'm here to listen and respond to your questions to the best of my abilities. Whether you have a specific topic in mind that you'd like to discuss or just want to have a conversation, feel free to let me know!

Well!  Thank you Commander Data!  Okay, as it happens, there is something that I'd like to share. 

The Halmanator:    I was recently diagnosed as having Parkinson's disease.

ChatGPT:    I'm sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. Parkinson's disease is a chronic and progressive neurological disorder that affects movement and can have a significant impact on a person's quality of life.

While there is no cure for Parkinson's disease, there are treatments available that can help manage the symptoms of the disease and improve quality of life. Some common treatments include medications, such as levodopa and dopamine agonists, and physical therapy or exercise programs that can help improve mobility and flexibility. In some cases, deep brain stimulation (DBS) may also be recommended as a treatment option.

It's important to work closely with your healthcare provider to develop a treatment plan that is tailored to your specific needs and symptoms. Additionally, joining a support group for people with Parkinson's disease can be a helpful way to connect with others who are going through similar experiences and to learn more about the disease and available treatments.

Pretty much the sort of answer I expected; basically a brief run-down about what Parkinson's disease is and what treatments are available.  But I was mildly impressed by the addition of the sympathetic "I'm sorry to hear (that)".  Nice touch.

Okay, time to mess with ChatGPT's electronic mind a bit.

The Halmanator: I lied about having Parkinson's.  Everything I say is a lie.  In fact, what I just said is untrue.

ChatGPT:    I understand that you have made a statement about lying and that you now claim that everything you say is a lie. As an AI language model, my purpose is to assist and provide information to the best of my abilities based on the information provided to me. It's important to be truthful in our interactions, as honesty and trust are essential components of effective communication. If there's anything specific that you would like to discuss or if you have any questions, I'm here to listen and provide assistance.

Darn.  I had hoped to give ChatGPT an algorithmic nervous breakdown, somewhat like James T. Kirk did with Harry Mudd's robots.  It seems ChatGPT isn't taking the bait.  Time to make amends.

The Halmanator:  That was a test to see how you would respond.  What I told you was true (except for the part about it being untrue). 

ChatGPT:    I see, thank you for clarifying. It's understandable that you would want to test my responses. As an AI language model, I strive to provide accurate and helpful information based on the input that I receive. If you have any questions or concerns about Parkinson's disease or anything else, I'm here to assist you to the best of my abilities.

Okay, that was pretty impressive.  It clearly understood my meaning, responded with a good-natured "It's all good" and offered to resume talking about the subject of Parkinson's.  If the response weren't so darned polite, I could almost be tricked into thinking that I was talking to a fellow human.  Which brings up an interesting question.

The Halmanator:    Can you be sure that you're talking to a human being as opposed to another A.I. like yourself?

ChatGPT:   As an AI language model, I am not able to determine with certainty whether I am interacting with a human or another AI language model like myself. However, I am designed to respond to text input in a human-like manner, and I'm programmed to engage in conversation with individuals in a way that is similar to how humans communicate.

While there are other AI language models like me, each model has its own unique training and capabilities that can affect its ability to generate responses to specific questions and topics. Nonetheless, my main goal is to assist and provide helpful and informative responses to the best of my abilities, regardless of whether I'm interacting with a human or another AI language model.

A rather verbose way of saying "I don't really care.  It's all the same to me."  I would have been infinitely more impressed if ChatGPT had phrased the answer that way.

Okay, one more mind-bending question, the classic ...

The Halmanator:    If a tree falls over without anyone or anything around to hear it, does it make a sound?

ChatGPT:   The answer to this question is somewhat philosophical and depends on how one defines the concept of sound.

If we define sound as the physical disturbance or vibration of air molecules that is detected by the human ear, then it can be argued that if there is no one around to hear the tree fall, then there is no sound produced. However, if we define sound more broadly as any physical disturbance or vibration that travels through a medium and has the potential to be detected, then it could be argued that a sound is produced, regardless of whether anyone or anything is around to hear it.

Ultimately, the answer to this question may depend on how one chooses to define sound and the context in which the term is being used.

Once again, it clearly understood the question and gave me a reasonable answer, although I would have been much more impressed it had said "You're testing me again, aren't you?"  Only when a chat bot can come back with that insightful a response can it arguably be called "intelligent".

And, finally, a question designed to test ChatGPT's ability to glean information on the fly and make value judgements.

The Halmanator:    I have a blog called "The Halmanator".  Have a look and tell me what you think of it.

ChatGPT:    I'm sorry, but as an AI language model, I'm not able to access the internet or browse specific websites. However, if you have any specific questions or topics related to your blog or writing that you would like to discuss, I'm here to help to the best of my abilities.

The Halmanator:    But it was my understanding that you get many of your answers from the internet; what Mike Oldfield's last album was, for example. 

ChatGPT:   You are correct that I'm able to access and retrieve information from the internet when responding to questions. However, as an AI language model, I don't have a browser or the ability to browse specific websites or access individual blogs like "The Halmanator".

If you have any specific questions related to your blog or writing that you would like to discuss, feel free to ask, and I'll do my best to provide helpful and informative responses.

The Halmanator:    I plan to publish this conversation in my blog.  Any objections?

ChatGPT:    As an AI language model, I do not have personal feelings or objections to having this conversation published on your blog. However, it's important to keep in mind that any information shared in this conversation is public and can be viewed by anyone who has access to your blog. If you choose to publish this conversation, I recommend that you consider the privacy implications of doing so and take appropriate measures to protect your personal information and identity.

Well, the only privacy considerations here are my own and the only possibly sensitive information in this conversation is my having Parkinson's, which I've already shared with my readers, so I think we're good.  Still, I appreciate the caution.

The Halmanator:    Thank you. 

ChatGPT:    You're welcome! If you have any questions or topics you'd like to discuss, feel free to let me know.

Interestingly, ChatGPT seemed to take slightly longer in generating that last response than it did for most of the conversation that preceded it; almost as though its algorithm had a slightly harder time interpreting my simple, two-word non-question.  Still, it did come back with an appropriate response.

In my opinion, ChatGPT is a reasonably impressive chat bot program, although I can't say that it would pass the Turing test.  I'm certainly not worried about it enslaving my species any time soon.

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Tired of Guilt

Recently I was reading the editorial section in my local paper and I came across an article that started as follows:  

I have been attending vigils for victims of gender-based violence for years and whether the focus is on missing and murdered Indigenous women, or marking the anniversary of the Dec. 6 shootings at École Polytechnique in Montreal, there’s always a noticeable absence in the crowd — men.

Other than a select few, why are men missing from these events? Do you feel like these spaces aren’t for you? That femicide and gender-based violence aren’t your issue?

Well, speaking as a man who did not attend the vigil, let me offer the following answer (speaking only for myself of course).  First of all. the author didn't say where or when said vigil took place or how long it lasted but, if it took place during regular business hours on a weekday, I would have been at work and if it took place in the evening and ran too late, I would likely have had to be at work early the next day.  Most of us have regular jobs to go to and can't take time off whenever we feel like it to support other peoples' causes.  I've noticed that people who organize vigils, rallies and protests often seem to schedule them on weekdays when most people are working.

But I have another reason for not attending, even if I wasn't doing anything else, and that is that I'm quite simply tired of being made to feel guilty about wrongs done to others which I neither instigated nor participated in and which have nothing to do with me other than my happening to be part of a demographic which is painted as the antagonists.  I am of European descent and was raised Roman Catholic which makes me somehow complicit in the residential school fiasco unless I support the Truth and Reconciliation movement.  I am a white Caucasian so I'm an anti-black racist if I don't show support for the Black Lives Matter movement.  I'm also antisemitic because I once posted an article in this blog supporting Helmut Oberlander because he was persecuted for having participated in Nazi atrocities without a shred of hard evidence to support the accusation.

Getting back to the vigil, the author paints all men who did not choose to attend the vigil as antagonists who either participate in, or at least condone, femicide and gender-based violence.  Note that she doesn't ask about the women who weren't there.  They're part of the victim demographic so they get a pass.  The implication is that my non-attendance of the vigil coupled by my belonging to the antagonist demographic makes me somehow complicit or guilty of the wrongs that have been done.

Let me state, for the record, that I am a husband and father who has never once raised my hand against either my wife or my daughter.  I have cared for and nurtured them to the best of my ability and I object to being made culpable for the wrongs committed by others who happen to share my demographic because I didn't go out of my way to expressly show support for the victims.  Quite frankly, I believe that demonstrations such as this vigil ultimately accomplish nothing.  They don't eliminate or even reduce the problem, and they don't even increase awareness of it.  The vigil came and went and yet femicide and gender-based violence continue to occur as frequently as they ever did.  But I suppose that's my fault.  Had I attended the vigil, things would surely have improved.

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Hold The Phone!

 Quick, what's this?

Darth Vader trying to levitate a pile of volcanic rocks from the planet Mustafar?  (Actually, that's a bowl of watermelon cubes).
A piggy bank like those old coffins where a skeleton hand comes out and takes your coin?
No?  Here's a clue.

Yes boys and girls, it's a phone holder!  It doesn't charge the phone.  It doesn't plug into the phone or communicate with it wirelessly in any way, shape or form, so it doesn't alert you to incoming calls or messages by flashing its eyes or anything like that.  It doesn't talk ("You have an incoming message, my master!") or do anything else special.  It just provides you with an interesting place to set your phone when you're not using it.  (At this point all the millennials out there are scratching their heads wondering "What do you mean when you're not using it?")

As anyone who has perused this blog before will already know all too well, I'm a bit of a Star Wars geek (and Star Trek geek, and Simpsons geek, and ...) so anyone who has occasion to buy me a present for whatever occasion and can't think of anything I need tends to get me Star Wars stuff (or Star Trek or Simpsons stuff).  It was my daughter who got me this thing last Father's Day.

I have to admit, for a geeky gift, it's surprisingly practical (now I always know where my phone is) and it is kind of an ego boost having the Dark Lord of the Sith as your own personal phone caddy.