Saturday, March 28, 2020

Happy Chalk

Like many other people, I'm working from home nowadays because of the Great COVID-19 Pandemic.  I have to admit, all things considered, I've been lucky.  My job lends itself easily to working from home (I'm a computer programmer) so, for one thing, my family's income hasn't been affected too badly (my wife isn't working for the duration but qualifies for employment insurance benefits and hers is by far the smaller income anyway, so we're not feeling the pinch too much).  Still, being cooped up in the house most of the time is starting to give my wife and myself a minor case of cabin fever, so we mitigate the effects by taking walks around the neighborhood.

While taking such a walk yesterday, I noticed that someone had scrawled some "feel good" messages on the sidewalk with sidewalk chalk; "You're special", "Be happy", "Stay strong" and the like.  I smiled at that and, as our walk continued, my amusement turned into amazement, because the messages didn't stop after just a couple of houses.  They appeared at regular intervals for an area that covered at least two or three blocks; "U R #1", "Be kind", "Smile", "You're Awesome!", "Think positive", "Life is beautiful" ... the messages went on and on.

My heart melted to think that, in the midst of all the fear and uncertainty caused by this virus; empty grocery shelves, tumbling financial markets, social distancing, strained budgets, thousands dying for the love of God ... some Neil Pasricha wannabe out there not only manages to remember the simple joys that can still be found, but actually spreads a little sunshine around.


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